Thursday, September 12

I think I finally have the bike of my dreams...

[Apologies for the change in font size. I don't know why it's happened and can't seem to correct it.]

In my search for a bike that would take me on something akin to the sort of cycling adventures I had begun to read about in 2014 by authors such as Josie Dew, Anne Mustoe and others, two years later in 2016 I bought an Oxford Bike Works steel step-through tourer - which I did not keep, for reasons which you can read about here. Then, as a replacement, I bought a Koga aluminium mixte tourer here in 2017. I had come across Koga bikes through my blogging friend Brenda, who, along with her husband, rides Kogas. It wasn't that easy, at the time, to find any other step-through or mixte style tourers. So I compromised on the steel and bought a Koga. I changed the handlebars, the saddle, the pedals, and the seatpost (because some washers broke on the original and I couldn't get replacements) and although it took a while to get comfortable on it, I finally did, and had some good day and multi-day tours on it. 

However..... I always felt a sense of disappointment that I had never got that beautiful steel bicycle that I had hoped for, and when, a couple of years ago, I came across Stanforth Bikes, who sell custom steel tourers of various descriptions, I  was instantly smitten. I started following them on Facebook, thinking - 

"I know I'm being silly, but maybe, one day..."

Then earlier this year Husband took severance pay and slightly early retirement from his job, and when he mentioned he was thinking of getting a new paragliding wing, I of course leapt at my opportunity! I don't think we're the only couple where a bit of negotiation sometimes goes on in the form of - 

"Well if you're having a new such and such then can I have a new such and such ?" 

 Anyway, I cautiously mentioned that I'd been thinking about getting a new bike, and was pleased to find that he didn't dismiss my idea outright! In fact, surprisingly soon after that he agreed that we could go down to Hove, where Stanforth Bikes are, and get me measured up for one. And, even better, he was soon surprised with a new bike himself, in the form of a retirement present from Eldest Son! Youngest Son had brought it in his van, and when his 3 year old daughter said -

"Daddy's got a bike in his van" 

- we didn't take much notice, though we had wondered why he had come in his van and not his car. But there really was a bike in there, and not his either! It was a brand new one in a box. Husband was gobsmacked!! And our lovely children also bought him a new tool (a multi tool of some sort) and a voucher with which he bought himself a new Garmin.

I admit to then feeling not nearly so bad at the thought of getting a new bike myself!

So at the end of May we went down to Hove, and I was measured up for a custom built Skyelander by Simon Stanforth. I chose the colour and various other bits and pieces and Simon emailed me a day or two later with the geometry of the bike. I was quite surprised at the measurements - it seemed smaller than my other two bikes - and I emailed him with my thoughts, to which he replied in detail, putting my mind - more or less! - at rest. I have to admit I was still rather nervous - would this bike really fit me as well as I'd hoped? Would I like it better than my Koga? Was I being stupid buying this new bike at my age?! Anyway, I sat back and waited.

It was actually ready in about 10 weeks or so - less than the advertised lead time of 12 weeks. I was so excited about getting it, and pleased that Eldest Son, a keen cyclist, as is his wife, would get to see it when they came to visit later that month. But I was also very nervous, for the aforementioned reasons. We drove down to Hove again - and there it was, and there I test-rode it, and then we brought it home.

After bringing it home, we had one or two queries, and emailed Simon, who could not have been more helpful and generous in his replies.

And my verdict?

I have now ridden it several times, yesterday's ride being the longest, up to the Ridgeway, at about 27 miles, and I can honestly say that it is all I hoped it would be, including being very beautiful!! I was almost disappointed to reach home yesterday, wishing I could go further! It is much easier on hills - the gearing is the same as the Koga, so it must be the weight (it's lighter) and the geometry that make the difference. Eldest Son and Wife both had a go on it when they were here, and were very complimentary about it. I feel as if I've waited since 2016 for this bike, but it's been worth it! 

Here it is - 

And here it is, up on the Ridgeway (Harwell in the distance) -

And now I go in the garage and think -

"What a beautiful bicycle!!!"

(And by the way, Husband got his new wing...)


  1. love this blog post!

    1. Oh good! Had another ride today - the bike is definitely my best of all time!

  2. Such a beauty - may you have many happy miles together!


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