Sunday, September 27

This "feed" lark........

Just a very short post.And no, this isn't about food or feeding someone, but about that other sort of computery bloggy sort of feed, often preceded by the initials RSS. The reason for this post is not to explain what "feed" is (I can't!!) but to say that I knew my "follow by email" gadget wasn't working. 

As a result I spent ages delving deep into the depths of the internet/the computer/my blog settings/my brain trying to work out why it wasn't. I had windows open all across the screen, flitting from one to the other, trying to sort it out and get it to work. And I have! I tested it out by subscribing to my own blog - which means that now I will know when I have published a new post because I will get an email to tell me so!! 

So if you are one of the hundreds er well ok one or two oh all right then ONE (if I read my feedburner stats correctly!) who had signed up to follow me by email, then hopefully you will now get those emails! 

I still have to sort out adding (and making sure it works) an "RSS feed" gadget (which I understand is important. Is it.........?). 

As my son-in-law would say, "Happy days!"

Off to get the tea now.



  1. Very useful for you to know when you've posted a new post! :-)
    Are you going to put a google followers button on so you can have lots of little pictures too?

    1. Well one does get forgetful sometimes....! You can't add Google Friend Connect on new blogs (as far as I can make out) and I'm still investigating the Google+ thing! So much to learn!

  2. I have no idea what you just said. Are you overthinking things maybe? ;)

    1. I do go over things in great detail, and although that has given me the label "slow" many times in life, I find I understand things better by doing that. I don't know if I was a child who always asked "Why?" (or perhaps "How.....?) but I certainly do nowadays!

    2. I'm teasing. But I really can't explain how to help with the feed thing. All I know is, you add the subscribe by email gadget and it all just magically happens. There is often a delay of several hours between posting and the email arriving though. The email often comes the following day. I don't know why.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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